Treating Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

  When it comes to the treatment of your child, we recognize you don’t mess around. baby bottle tooth decay, a problem targeting the teeth of children 6 years old and younger, can leave your child with rotten teeth and bones; in the most intense situations, teeth can even fall out and permanent damage can be done to the gums... read more »

How Does Sugar Impact Your Child’s Dental Health?

While modifying your child's diet to prevent destructive foods is a good idea, there are some additional ways that can help your child thwart the development of early childhood caries. If juice is something your child likes, think about watering it down. If your child likes cake, don't frost it as much. Elect for non-gummy, non-tough candies instead of gummies... read more »

Breastfeeding is Fantastic for Your Little One’s Dental Health

Have you heard how great breastfeeding can be for your child’s health? The nutrients in breast milk naturally help your baby fight disease and even reduce long-term health risks such as asthma, ear infections, SIDS and obesity. It is even correlated with your own health! Breastfeeding is associated with lower chances of breast or ovarian cancer. But here’s something particularly... read more »

Pediatric Dentistry and Your Child’s Oral Health Care

Your oral health care at a young age in largely influenced by pediatric dentistry and the advantages it can provide for your teeth and gums. The benefits of pediatric dentistry include the following: - Pediatricians are beneficial in treating children who suffer from thumb sucking, baby bottle tooth decay, and teething. - Pediatrics focuses on fixing oral health problems in... read more »

Combatting the Effects of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Did you know that baby bottles can negatively affect the oral health of your young child? Although it is important to ensure a child is constantly fed, exercise caution when using various sugary drinks for young children and infants, as they can easily lead to tooth decay and cavities. The reason is often due to the time the substances are... read more »

Helping Your Child with Their Oral Health

You probably understand that you should be brushing and flossing your teeth every day to keep your pearly whites healthy, but are you aware that you should be doing a few things for the health of your child’s teeth—even before they erupt? As you probably know, it’s vital that you help your kids brush their pearly whites twice every day... read more »